01/31/2025, 09:23 AM UTC
IG无人机技术推动各行业效率提升Innovative Drone Technologies from IG Drones Driving Efficiency Across Sectors
➀ IG Drones由Om Prakash和Bodhisattwa Sanghapriya于2018年创立,专注于国防、工业、农业和技能培训应用。
➁ 该公司的产品包括用于工业监控的Jaga、用于农业喷洒的Kisan,以及用于国防用途的Delta 400和Skyhawk VTOL。
➂ IG Drones还提供反无人机系统,并增加研发力度以开发中高空无人机和无人水面舰艇。
➀ IG Drones, founded in 2018 by Om Prakash and Bodhisattwa Sanghapriya, specializes in defense, industrial, agricultural, and skilling applications.
➁ The company's products include the Jaga for industrial surveillance, the Kisan for agricultural spraying, and the Delta 400 and Skyhawk VTOL for defense purposes.
➂ IG Drones also offers anti-drone systems and is increasing R&D efforts to develop medium- and high-altitude drones and unmanned surface vehicles.