09/01/2024, 12:35 PM UTC
任天堂 Switch 为何坚持不学PS、Xbox做成就系统?前员工认为有4个原因Why Nintendo Switch Refuses to Adopt Achievement Systems Like PS and Xbox: Former Employees Cite 4 Reasons
➀ 任天堂强调为所有玩家创造平等的游戏体 验,避免引入可能让玩家感到优越或自卑的系统。➁ 任天堂有强烈的原创文化,不追随竞争对手设定的趋势。➂ 任天堂认为游戏应按照创作者的设计来玩,不应被成就导向的游戏方式分散注意力。➃ 任天堂认为成就系统是一个已经过时的趋势,不再具有曾经的价值。➀ Nintendo emphasizes creating an equal gaming experience for all players, avoiding systems that could make some feel superior or inferior. ➁ Nintendo has a strong culture of originality and does not follow trends set by competitors. ➂ Nintendo believes games should be played as designed by creators, without the distraction of achievement-focused gameplay. ➃ Nintendo views achievement systems as a trend that has passed its peak and no longer holds significant value.