09/09/2024, 03:12 PM UTC
用于中微子检测的超快速数字化器Ultrafast Digitizers For Neutrino Detection
➀ 一项大规模的国际合作建设了JUNO探测器,旨在研究中微子的行为;➁ 探测器使用Spectrum Instrumentation的M4i.2212数字化卡进行精确实验;➂ 该技术可能彻底改变我们对粒子物理和中微子行为理解。➀ A large-scale international collaboration has built the JUNO detector, aiming to study neutrino behavior; ➁ The detector uses Spectrum Instrumentation’s M4i.2212 digitizer cards for precision experiments; ➂ The technology could revolutionize our understanding of particle physics and neutrino behavior.