07/25/2024, 03:20 PM UTC
工业4.0咨询委员会新专长:'自主适应性工业4.0系统工程'New Expertise on Industry 4.0 Advisory Board: 'Engineering Autonomously Adaptable Industry 4.0 Systems'
1. 弗劳恩霍夫设计技术机电一体化研究所(IEM)为生产系统开发的下一进化阶段提供了基础。2. 该专长强调了数字化、全球不确定性和竞争压力作为具有高自主性和适应性的网络化生产系统的驱动力的潜力。3. 报告强调了工程领域之间合作、工程方法的进步以及在知识和教育方面的投资的需求。1. The Fraunhofer Institute for Design Technology Mechatronics (IEM) provides the foundation for the next evolutionary stage in production system development. 2. The expertise highlights the potential of digitalization, global uncertainties, and competitive pressure as drivers for networked production systems with high levels of autonomy and adaptability. 3. The report emphasizes the need for collaboration between engineering sectors, the advancement of engineering methods, and investment in knowledge and education.