02/20/2025, 10:30 AM UTC
3月将离开PlayStation Plus的10款游戏标题10 titles are leaving PlayStation Plus in March
➀ 索尼宣布3月份将有10款游戏从PlayStation Plus Extra/Premium库中移除;➁ 列表中包括《生化危机3重制版》、《龙珠Z卡卡罗特》和《Life is Strange True Colors》等热门游戏;➂ 建议玩家在它们被移除之前尝试玩这些游戏。➀ Sony has announced that 10 titles will be removed from the PlayStation Plus Extra/Premium libraries in March; ➁ The list includes popular games like Resident Evil 3 Remake, DBZ Kakarot, and Life is Strange True Colors; ➂ Fans are advised to play these games before they are removed from the service.---