10/05/2024, 09:19 PM UTC
从碳化硅增强现实眼镜到快速人工智能培训:EE Times编辑室洞察From SiC AR Glasses to Fast AI Training: EE Times Editor's Desk Insights
➀ Meta的Orion AR眼镜采用碳化硅镜头,提供先进的增强现实体验;➁ Indy Autonomous Challenge 的SIM to REAL平台旨在加快自动驾驶系统的AI培训;➂弗吉尼亚理工大学的新清洁室配备了最先进的设备,用于高级研究;➃亚利桑那州立大学的SWAP中心获得780万美元的资金用于安全处理器开发;➄高通完成了对Sequans 4G物联网技术的收购;➅Synopsys将其软件完整性集团出售给Clearlake Capital Group和Francisco Partners。➀ Meta's Orion AR glasses use SiC lenses for advanced AR experiences; ➁ Indy Autonomous Challenge's SIM to REAL platform aims to speed up AI training for autonomous systems; ➂ Virginia Tech's clean room is reopened with state-of-the-art equipment for advanced research; ➃ ASU's SWAP Hub receives $7.8 million funding for secure processor development; ➄ Qualcomm completes the acquisition of Sequans's 4G IoT technology; ➅ Synopsys sells its Software Integrity Group to Clearlake Capital Group and Francisco Partners.