06/27/2024, 04:19 PM UTC
SK斯托亚与幸福娜拉合作培育社会企业SK Stoa and Happy Nara Partner to Foster Social Enterprises
1、SK斯托亚与幸福娜拉签署了旨在支持社会企业并通过家庭购物扩大其市场的谅解备忘录。2、该合作旨在通过提供产品咨询和扩大销售渠道来增强社会企业的竞争力。3、SK斯托亚计划通过其广播网络和在线商城积极支持有竞争力的社会企业产品的质量管理和销售。1. SK Stoa has signed an MOU with Happy Nara to support social enterprises and expand their market through home shopping. 2. The partnership aims to enhance the competitiveness of social enterprises by providing product consulting and expanding sales channels. 3. SK Stoa plans to actively support the quality management and sales of competitive social enterprise products through its broadcasting network and online malls.