03/03/2025, 02:15 PM UTC
永恒边缘工作室聘请《chrono trigger》、《Nier》和《Xenoblade》开发者制作续集Edge of Eternity studio hires Chrono Trigger, Nier and Xenoblade devs for sequel
➀ 永恒边缘工作室将推出下一部作品《永恒边缘:记忆之缘》,并从《Nier》和《Xenoblade》系列中聘请编剧和设计师;➁ 该游戏设定在《永恒边缘》的世界中,但融合了新的故事和日式RPG机制以及法国动画;➂ Chrono Trigger原声带作曲家Yasunori Mitsuda也参与了该项目。➀ The Edge of Eternity studio is moving on to its next project, Edge of Memories, with the help of writers and designers from the Nier and Xenoblade series; ➁ The game is set in the same world as Edge of Eternity but features a new story with a blend of JRPG mechanics and French animation; ➂ Yasunori Mitsuda, composer of the Chrono Trigger soundtrack, is also involved.---
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