01/28/2025, 03:30 PM UTC
《最终幻想VII 重生》发布,系列单机游戏最大规模首发Final Fantasy VII Rebirth delivered the series’ biggest single-player launch
➀ 《最终幻想VII 重生》在PC平台发布,峰值同时在线玩家数达到40,564,超过了原版《最终幻想VII 重制版》的13,803人峰值。 ➁ Rebirth在PC上的成功可能促使Square Enix继续其多平台战略。 ➂ 然而,它并没有创造所有《最终幻想》游戏中最高的同时在线玩家数记录,该记录由《最终幻想14 Online》在Endwalker扩展发布后达到的超过95,150人峰值保持。➀ Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth has launched on PC with a significant player count of 40,564 concurrent players, surpassing the original Final Fantasy VII Remake's peak of 13,803 players. ➁ The success of Rebirth on PC raises the possibility of Square Enix continuing its multiplatform approach. ➂ However, it does not hold the record for the highest concurrent user count among all Final Fantasy games, with Final Fantasy 14 Online's peak at over 95,150 following the Endwalker expansion.---