11/01/2024, 06:16 AM UTC
中国制造业首次在近六个月内实现扩张[News] China’s Manufacturing Sees First Expansion in Nearly Six Months
➀ 中国制造业采购经理指数(PMI)已反弹至扩张区间,这是近六个月来的首次扩 张;➁ 此前经历了五个月的收缩期;➂ 该数据由国家统计局发布,显示出中国制造业部门呈现积极趋势。➀ China's manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) has rebounded into expansion territory, marking the first expansion in nearly six months; ➁ This comes after a five-month contraction phase; ➂ The data was released by the National Bureau of Statistics, indicating a positive trend in the country's manufacturing sector.---