09/09/2024, 06:15 PM UTC
索尼暗示PlayStation 5 Pro设计Sony teases PlayStation 5 Pro design
➀ 索尼巧妙地暗示了长期传闻的PS5 Pro的存在,确认了其更新的设计。 ➁ 公司分享了即将到来的原版PlayStation One 30岁生日的一些计划。 ➂ 在一篇博客帖子的标题图像中发现了即将推出的PlayStation 5 Pro的泄露设计,确认了其三条纹的外观。➀ Sony has subtly teased the existence of the long-rumoured PS5 Pro, confirming its updated design. ➁ The company has shared some of its plans for the impending milestone of the OG PlayStation One's 30th birthday. ➂ A leaked design of the upcoming PlayStation 5 Pro was discovered in a blog post header image, confirming its 3-striped appearance.