01/30/2025, 10:00 AM UTC
最大规模的《无人深空》更新“世界第二部分”到来Biggest No Man’s Sky update arrives with ‘Worlds Part II’
➀ 最新更新“世界第二部分”引入了新的功能,如进化的世界生成算法、紫色等级的太阳系和深邃的海洋。 ➁ 还包括扩展的故事情节、茂密的丛林和图形改进。 ➂ Hello Games继续通过每次更新给玩家带来惊喜和改进。➀ The latest update, 'Worlds Part II', introduces new features such as evolved world generation, purple-class solar systems, and deep oceans. ➁ It also includes expanded storylines, dense jungles, and graphics overhaul. ➂ Hello Games continues to surprise and improve the game with each update.---