02/07/2025, 10:20 AM UTC
最新新闻Most Read – Glasgow diamond, Retirement Crisis, Intel reality
➀ 格拉斯哥大学研究人员开发了默认关闭的钻石晶体管;
➁ 长江存储技术公司推出了拥有294层TLC NAND;
➂ 经济合作与发展组织(OECD)报告了许多国家面临的退休危机;
➃ 比德堡公司推出用于铁路和其他交通应用的Cat6A数据电缆,带有M12圆形连接器;
➄ 英特尔采用“实事求是”的方法调整其产品路线图,推迟了18A处理器的推出。
➀ Glasgow researchers have developed diamond transistors that default to off;
➁ Yangtze Memory Technologies is shipping a TLC NAND with 294 layers;
➂ The OECD reports on the retirement crisis facing many countries;
➃ Binder introduces Cat6A data cables with M12 connectors for railways;
➄ Intel adjusts its product roadmap with a 'get real' approach, delaying the 18A processor line.
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