02/01/2025, 12:30 PM UTC
大举买入:我正在全力购买的2只分红股票Buy Low, Win Big: 2 Dividend Stocks I'm Buying Hand Over Fist
1、自1988年以来,标普500指数的表现优于全球股票,尤其是在大萧条之后。2、尽管预计未来回报率将降低,高盛的ISG支持超配美国股票,因为其具有经济和结构性优势。3、专注于北美被低估的分红增长股,以最小风险实现市场超越。1. The S&P 500 has outperformed global stocks since 1988, especially post-Great Financial Crisis. 2. Goldman Sachs' ISG supports overweighting US stocks due to economic and structural advantages, despite predicting lower future returns. 3. Focus on undervalued dividend growers in North America for market outperformance with minimal risk.---
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