11/15/2024, 01:58 PM UTC
汽车电机控制参考设计Reference Design For Automotive Motor Control
➀ 本文讨论了NXP半导体推出的汽车电机控制参考设计,该设计具有紧凑的尺寸,集成了微控制器技术和接口。 ➁ 文章重点介绍了搭载32位Arm Cortex-M7微控制器和模拟组件的S32M276集成系统。 ➂ 该设计优化了效率,减少了物料清单和PCB尺寸,同时提供了各种接口。➀ The article discusses a reference design for automotive motor control from NXP Semiconductors, featuring a compact size and integration of microcontroller technology and interfaces. ➁ It highlights the S32M276 integrated system with a 32-bit Arm Cortex-M7 microcontroller and an analog component. ➂ The design is optimized for efficiency, reducing BOM and PCB dimensions while providing various interfaces.
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