10/17/2024, 03:04 PM UTC
绿色未来:青年科学家荣获“绿色ICT奖”The Future Is Green: Young Scientific Talents Honored with the 'Green ICT Award'
➀ 德国微电子研究工厂(FMD)颁发了“绿色ICT奖”,以表彰在可持续ICT领域的杰出论文。该奖项旨在促进对可持续微电子的兴趣,并为年轻研究人员提供一个平台。➁ 约瑟夫·温克勒凭借其关于高效48V DC-DC转换器设计的论文获得第一名。➂ 颁奖典礼在聚焦可持续微电子和创新的绿色ICT连接会议上举行。➀ The Research Factory of Microelectronics Germany (FMD) awarded the 'Green ICT Award' for outstanding theses in sustainable ICT. The award promotes interest in sustainable microelectronics and provides a platform for young researchers.➁ Joseph Winkler won first place with his thesis on high-efficiency 48V DC-DC converter design.➂ The award ceremony took place during the Green ICT Connect conference, which focuses on sustainable microelectronics and innovation.