07/11/2024, 07:58 PM UTC
2024年最佳4K游戏显示器:144Hz、曲面及其他Best 4K Gaming Monitors for PC 2024: 144Hz, Curved and More
❶ 文章回顾了2023年最佳的4K游戏显示器,强调了144Hz刷新率、曲面设计和HDR支持等特点;❷ 这些显示器针对游戏性能进行了优化,提供高分辨率和快速刷新率;❸ 选择包括适合不同游戏设置和偏好的多种选项。❶ The article reviews the top 4K gaming monitors in 2023, highlighting features such as 144Hz refresh rates, curved designs, and HDR support; ❷ These monitors are optimized for gaming performance, offering high resolutions and fast refresh rates; ❸ The selection includes a variety of options suitable for different gaming setups and preferences.