10/02/2024, 08:25 PM UTC
硅谷的迪克·惠廷顿The Dick Whittington Of Palo Alto
➀ 14世纪,迪克·惠廷顿相信伦敦的街道铺满了黄金而前往那里,今天的帕洛阿托就像那时的伦敦;➁ 山姆·奥尔特曼目前价值20亿美元,他在2012年首次赚到大钱;➂ OpenAI正在寻求650亿美元用于扩张,目前支出为70亿美元,预计收入为37亿美元➀ In the 14th century, Dick Whittington set out for London believing its streets were paved with gold, much like Palo Alto today; ➁ Sam Altman, worth $2 billion, made his first real money in 2012; ➂ OpenAI is seeking $65 billion for expansion, with current spending at $7 billion and expected revenue of $3.7 billion