11/26/2024, 12:50 AM UTC
利用邻近效应在石墨烯上添加自旋电子学Add spintronics to graphene with proximity
➀ 来自西班牙CIC nanoGune的研究人员开发了一种使用邻近材料场修改的二维自旋电子学器件,即所谓的邻近化结构。该器件是一种石墨烯自旋阀,由邻近的Cr2Ge2Te6(一种范德华磁体)启用。这种修改允许通过获取自旋轨道耦合或磁交换耦合来生成和检测自旋。单个石墨烯层中不存在硬界面,确保了自旋传输的连续性。 ➁ 该研究是与包括法国Laboratoire Albert Fert、巴斯克UPV/EHU、巴斯克Donostia国际物理中心、比利时IMEC和中国北航在内的国际研究机构合作进行的。 ➂ 研究发表在《自然电子学》杂志上。➀ Researchers from CIC nanoGune in Spain have developed a 2D spintronics device using graphene modified by the fields of nearby materials. The device is a graphene spin valve enabled by the proximity of Cr2Ge2Te6, a van der Waals magnet. This modification allows for spin generation and detection by acquiring spin-orbit coupling or magnetic exchange coupling. The absence of hard interfaces in a single graphene layer ensures the continuity of spin transport. ➁ The study was conducted in collaboration with international research institutions, including Laboratoire Albert Fert in France, UPV/EHU in Basque, Donostia International Physics Center in Basque, IMEC in Belgium, and Beihang University in China. ➂ The research is published in Nature Electronics.