12/03/2024, 08:40 AM UTC
欧盟项目STUNNED通过创新能源管理加强能源社区的作用Strengthening the Role of Energy Communities in Energy Management through EU Project STUNNED
➀ 欧盟项目STUNNED旨在通过建立能源社区来降低住宅和工业建筑的能源消耗。这些社区可以利用可再生能源平衡供需,确保电网稳定并更积极地参与能源市场。 ➁ 该项目汇集了来自七个国家的18个合作伙伴,共同开发和演示用于能源管理系统的硬件和软件解决方案。 ➂ STUNNED将促进利益相关者(包括建筑业主、能源服务公司和管理当局)之间的知识交流和最佳实践,并组织研讨会和培训活动以促进合作和信息共享。➀ The EU project STUNNED aims to reduce energy consumption in residential and industrial buildings by creating Energy Communities. These communities can utilize renewable energy to balance supply and demand, ensuring a stable power grid and a more active role in the energy market. ➁ The project brings together 18 partners from seven countries to develop and demonstrate hardware and software solutions for energy management systems. ➂ STUNNED will promote knowledge exchange and best practices among stakeholders, including building owners, energy service companies, and authorities, and will organize workshops and training events to facilitate collaboration and information sharing.---