10/30/2024, 02:30 PM UTC
STH YouTube订阅者达到75万,STH Labs突破1万STH YouTube at 750K Subscribers and STH Labs Passes 10K
➀ STH YouTube频道订阅者人数达到并超过75万;➁ STH Labs短视频频道订阅者人数达到1万;➂ Patrick Kennedy分享了与英特尔和国际奥委会的合作经历,以及意外接受Fox Business的采访。➀ STH YouTube channel reached and surpassed 750,000 subscribers; ➁ STH Labs short-form channel reached 10,000 subscribers; ➂ Patrick Kennedy discussed his experiences with Intel and the International Olympic Committee, and unexpectedly got interviewed by Fox Business.