07/29/2024, 10:06 PM UTC
扭曲碳纳米管提供安全、轻量级的能源解决方案Twisted Carbon Nanotubes Offer Safe, Lightweight Energy Solution
1、扭曲碳纳米管每单位质量储存的能量是锂离子电池的三倍。2、这一发现使得碳纳米管成为小型、轻便、安全设备能源储存的可行选项。3、该研究由先进传感器技术中心的一个国际团队进行,并发表在《自然纳米技术》期刊上。1. Twisted carbon nanotubes can store three times more energy per unit mass than lithium-ion batteries. 2. The discovery could make carbon nanotubes a viable option for energy storage in small, light, and secure devices. 3. The research was conducted by an international team from the Center for Advanced Sensor Technology and published in Nature Nanotechnology.