12/13/2024, 08:46 AM UTC
博通第四季度财报:为什么我现在选择观望Broadcom Q4 Earnings: Why I'm Now Sticking To The Sidelines
1. 博通的前向自由现金流估值为38倍,尽管其收益和盈利能力指标强劲,但估值过高让我保持谨慎。2. 收入增长预计将放缓,2025年第一季度的预测低于2024年第四季度,对未来表现引起担忧。3. 博通的580亿美元净债务和来自英伟达的竞争压力增加了维持其高估值的风险。4. 尽管钦佩博通的执行和创新,但作者将保持观望,直到出现更具吸引力的风险回报平衡点。1. Broadcom's valuation at 38x forward free cash flow is high, raising caution despite strong earnings and profitability metrics. 2. Revenue growth is expected to decelerate, with Q1 2025 projections lower than Q4 2024, causing concern about future performance. 3. Broadcom's $58 billion net debt and competitive pressures from Nvidia add risks to maintaining its premium valuation. 4. Despite admiration for Broadcom's execution and innovation, the author will remain on the sidelines until a more compelling risk-reward balance emerges.---