07/31/2024, 07:34 PM UTC
美国制裁18家中国晶圆厂,仍有数十家处于白名单The U.S. has sanctioned 18 Chinese fabs, dozens remain in in white zone
❶ 美国已制裁18家中国半导体晶圆厂,但仍有众多企业处于白名单,允许购买设备。❷ 中国正加速发展国产芯片制造设备,以减少对外国工具的依赖,应对美国的出口管制。❸ 中芯国际专注于扩大成熟节点的产能,并利用西方工具维持先进节点的生产,尽管面临美国的限制。❶ The U.S. has sanctioned 18 Chinese semiconductor fabs, but many remain in the white zone, allowing them to purchase equipment. ❷ China is accelerating domestic chipmaking equipment development to reduce reliance on foreign tools in response to U.S. export controls. ❸ SMIC is focusing on expanding capacities at mature nodes and using Western tools for advanced node production, despite U.S. restrictions.