10/17/2024, 06:39 PM UTC
本周焦点:苹果、Kioxia、Littelfuse 和 SCAR-EWhat caught your eye this week? (Apple, Kioxia, Littelfuse, SCAR-E)
➀ 苹果公司与英国工程、科学和数学教育基金会(UKESF)的STEM项目;➁ Kioxia的估值在七年中从300亿美元降至50亿美元;➂ Alps Alpine推出的最小型触觉开关以及Littelfuse的带有转换触点的触觉开关;➃ 新任务合作,将太空能力小行星机器人探测器(SCAR-E)送至月球表面。➀ Apple and the UKESF's STEM programme; ➁ Kioxia's valuation dropping from $30 billion to $5 billion in seven years; ➃ Alps Alpine's new smallest tactile switch and Littelfuse's tact switch with change-over contacts; ➄ Collaboration on a new mission for delivering the Space Capable Asteroid Robotic Explorer (SCAR-E) to the Moon's surface.