06/26/2024, 02:41 PM UTC
苹果告知模拟器开发者:允许复古游戏,但禁止完整操作系统模拟Apple tells emulator developers it's OK with retro games – not entire OSes
1、苹果明确表示,虽然允许复古游戏模拟器,但不允许在App Store上架完整操作系统模拟器。2、iDOS和UTM的开发者在新版App审核指南更新后提交应用,遭遇了拒绝。3、苹果在新规则应用上的不一致性引发了对其模拟环境安全性和功能性立场的质疑。1. Apple has clarified that while it allows retro game emulators, it does not permit emulators for entire operating systems on its App Store. 2. The developers of iDOS and UTM faced rejections after submitting their apps following changes in Apple's App Review Guidelines. 3. The inconsistency in Apple's application of the new rules raises questions about the company's stance on security and functionality in emulated environments.
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