10/15/2024, 08:08 PM UTC
台官员称台积电计划在欧洲建设更多芯片工厂TSMC Plans More Chip Plants in Europe, Taiwan Official Says
<p>➀ 台湾科技部长确认台积电计划在欧洲建设更多芯片工厂;</p><p>➁ 重点在 于人工智能芯片市场;</p><p>➂ 在德累斯顿的第一座工厂已经开始建设;</p><p>➃ 台积电目前尚未宣布新的投资计划。</p><p>➀ Taiwan's tech minister confirms TSMC's plans for additional chip plants in Europe;</p><p>➁ The focus is on the AI chip market;</p><p>➂ Construction of the first fab in Dresden is underway;</p><p>➃ TSMC currently has no new investment plans announced.</p>