

  • Capcom Announces Resident Evil Village to Run at 120FPS on New PS5 Pro


    09/25/2024, 01:43 AM UTC

    ➀ 卡普空宣布为《生化危机村庄》在PS5 Pro上新增120FPS游戏模式;➁ 升级旨在通过增强的图形和性能提供最佳用户体验;➂ 突出了PS5 Pro的新特性,如PSSR和更快的性能。

    Capcom has announced that Resident Evil Village will be available with a new 120FPS gameplay mode on the upgraded PlayStation 5 Pro console, which is set to provide an enhanced user experience with its improved graphics and performance capabilities.

    In a recent discussion with Sony about the upcoming PS5 Pro, Capcom revealed that the decision to add the 120FPS mode was made to ensure the game's unique and memorable cast of characters appears even more realistic, enhancing the scare factor and making action scenes more impactful. The game's beautiful and haunting world is set to benefit from the PS5 Pro's ultra-high-resolution technology, creating a vividly realistic picture that maximizes immersion.

    Additionally, Capcom mentioned that Resident Evil 4, another survival horror game, will also run at a higher framerate on the PS5 Pro, making the dynamic action more intense and utilizing the console's ultra-high-resolution technology to deliver more detailed environments and natural visual effects.

    Other notable features of the PS5 Pro include its AI-powered PlayStation Spectral Super Resolution (PSSR) upscaling technology, which promises to deliver some of the best graphics seen on a console, and the 'PS5 Pro Enhanced' label for games that will upscale to 4K, maintain a constant 60FPS, and add or increase ray tracing effects and performance.



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