06/25/2024, 05:43 AM UTC
多家唱片公司联手起诉AI音乐生成器公司侵犯版权Record labels gang up to sue AI music generator duo into utter oblivion
1、美国唱片业协会协调多家主要唱片公司,对两家AI初创公司Udio和Suno提起诉讼,指控其未经许可在其音乐生成模型中训练受版权保护的曲目。2、诉讼称,AI模型“过度拟合”,生成的音乐与受版权保护的作品非常相似,表明未经授权使用了训练材料。3、音乐标签寻求承认侵犯版权,关闭AI服务,支付法律费用,并为每件侵权作品支付15万美元。1. Major record labels, coordinated by the Recording Industry Association of America, are suing two AI startups, Udio and Suno, for allegedly training their music-generating models on copyrighted tracks without permission. 2. The lawsuits claim that the AI models were 'overfitted,' producing music very similar to copyrighted works, indicating unauthorized use of training material. 3. The music labels are seeking an admission of copyright infringement, shutdown of the AI services, payment of legal fees, and $150,000 for each infringed work.