06/28/2024, 01:35 PM UTC
高速视频切换器用于显示器和游戏显示器High-Speed Video Switch For Displays And Gaming Monitors
1、Diodes Incorporated 推出了一款 13.5Gbps 高速视频切换器 PI3WVR41310。2、该切换器支持 DisplayPort 2.1、HDMI 2.1 及其他标准。3、它采用 52 针无引脚封装,3500 件批量价格为 1.65 美元。1. Diodes Incorporated introduces the PI3WVR41310, a 13.5Gbps high-speed video switch. 2. The switch supports DisplayPort 2.1, HDMI 2.1, and other standards. 3. It features a 52-pin leadless package and is priced at $1.65 for 3,500-piece quantities.