12/18/2024, 05:51 AM UTC
下一代天线为未来无线技术提供动力Next-Gen Antenna To Power Future Wireless Tech
➀ 本文讨论了一种下一代天线,该天线提高了无线通信容量,对于6G等技术至关重要;➁ 由香港城市大学的研究人员开发的天线可以动态控制多个频率分量;➂ 该创新设计允许在不同方向上同时传输信号,使其成为未来无线网络的理想选择。➀ The article discusses a next-generation antenna that enhances wireless communication capacity, crucial for technologies like 6G; ➁ The antenna, developed by researchers at the City University of Hong Kong, can dynamically control multiple frequency components; ➂ The innovative design allows for simultaneous transmission of signals in different directions, making it ideal for future wireless networks.---