06/26/2024, 05:02 AM UTC
微软强制用户使用微软账户,取消本地账户选项Microsoft moves to remove local Windows accounts and force Microsoft accounts
1、微软已在其Windows 11支持页面上删除了从微软账户切换到本地账户的指南。2、此举表明微软正推动所有Windows用户使用微软账户。3、用户仍可通过‘账户-您的信息’设置切换到本地账户,但过程不如之前直接。1. Microsoft has removed the guide on how to switch from a Microsoft account to a local account on its Windows 11 support page. 2. The move suggests a push towards requiring all Windows users to have a Microsoft account. 3. Users can still switch to a local account through the 'Accounts - Your info' settings, but the process is less straightforward.---