01/05/2025, 09:00 PM UTC
2025年S&P 500展望:准备迎接两年内最大的一次回调S&P 500 2025 Outlook: Prepare For The Largest Correction In 2 Years
1、市场情绪转向看涨,分析师预测S&P 500目标将更高。2、经济增长适度,为2.1%,由较低的税收和利润驱动,但高估值限制了上涨潜力。3、技术分析表明,2025年上半年可能有一次回调,目标为5100点。1. Sentiment has shifted bullish, with analysts predicting higher S&P500 targets. 2. Economic growth is modest at 2.1%, driven by lower taxes and margins, but high valuations limit upside potential. 3. Technical analysis indicates a likely correction with a target of 5100 in H1 2025.---