06/25/2024, 01:08 AM UTC
美国联邦储备系统遭黑客攻击:勒索软件组织LockBit盗取33TB数据The United States Federal Reserve hacked: 33TB of data stolen by ransomware group LockBit
1、勒索软件组织LockBit攻击了美国联邦储备系统,盗取了33TB的敏感金融数据。2、该组织正与联邦储备系统就赎金进行谈判,威胁若不支付将泄露数据。3、此事件凸显了联邦储备系统这类私人组织在面对网络攻击时的脆弱性。1. Ransomware group LockBit hacked the US Federal Reserve, stealing 33TB of sensitive financial data. 2. The group is negotiating ransom with the Federal Reserve, threatening to leak the data if not paid. 3. The incident highlights the vulnerability of private organizations like the Federal Reserve to cyber attacks.---