11/04/2024, 11:05 PM UTC
11月天象盛宴:观赏三次流星雨November’s Celestial Bonanza Will Treat Stargazers To Three Meteor Showers
➀ 11月将有三场流星雨供天文爱好者观赏;➁ 南金牛座流星雨今晚和明天达到顶峰,此时月亮处于盈亏月牙阶段;➂ 北金牛座流星雨11月12日达到顶峰,狮子座流星雨11月18日达到顶峰。➀ November will offer three meteor showers for skywatchers; ➁ The Southern Taurids peak tonight and tomorrow night, with the moon in its waxing crescent phase; ➂ The Northern Taurids peak on November 12, and the Leonids peak on November 18.