07/30/2024, 03:59 PM UTC
티몬과 위메프의 재정 위기가 PC 업계를 위협합니다Timon and Wemap's Financial Woes Threaten PC Industry
1、蒂蒙和维玛普申请企业复兴程序,欠下国内PC相关企业超过100亿韩元的未支付款项。 2、这种情况引发了对行业内可能出现连锁破产的担忧。 3、政府承诺支持受影响的小型和中型企业,但对这些措施的有效性存在疑虑。1. Timon and Wemap, which filed for corporate rehabilitation proceedings, owe over 10 billion won to domestic PC-related companies. 2. The situation has led to concerns about a domino effect of bankruptcies in the industry. 3. The government has pledged to support affected small and medium-sized enterprises, but there are doubts about the effectiveness of these measures.