09/09/2024, 12:55 PM UTC
光谱仪革新印度金属分析Spectrometer Transform Metal Analysis In India
➀ 印度金属功率分析有限公司(MPA)推出了Metavision-8i光谱仪,这是一种针对印度低成本元素分析的光学发射光谱仪(OES),专为中小企业设计,旨在降低运营成本并提高出口潜力。 ➁ Metavision-8i提供高精度和准确性,具有双光学和高清分辨率深紫外光学等特性,非常适合进行关键元素分析。 ➂ MPA总经理Mukund Pant强调了公司在金属分析方面的35年经验以及新产品在重新定义市场标准方面的重要性。➀ Metal Power Analytical Pvt. Ltd. (MPA) has launched the Metavision-8i, an optical emission spectrometer (OES) for affordable elemental analysis in India. The instrument is designed for MSMEs and aims to reduce operational costs and improve export potential. ➁ The Metavision-8i offers high precision and accuracy, with features like dual-optics and high-resolution DUV optics, making it suitable for critical element analysis. ➂ Mukund Pant, Managing Director at MPA, emphasizes the company's 35 years of experience in metal analysis and the importance of the new product in redefining market standards.