09/02/2024, 04:26 PM UTC
科斯波被选为领导非洲开发银行的创业孵化项目KOSPO Selected to Lead African Development Bank's Startup Incubation Project
1. 科斯波,即“COMUP”创业节的主办机构,已被选为领导非洲开发银行的创业孵化项目,旨在以COMUP为中心扩大全球创业生态系统的交流。 2. 该项目名为“非洲科技创业论坛2024”,旨在选拔和支持非洲创业公司,让它们在韩国接受培训,目标是传播韩国的先进创业文化,并通过与韩国风险投资和大企业的合作促进全球增长。 3. 目前,已有来自8个非洲国家的160家创业公司被预选,科斯波计划选出最终的20支队伍参加COMUP 2024,提供各种优惠,如特别展位、网络会议和访问韩国领先的独角兽企业。1. KOSPO, the organizer of the startup festival 'COMUP', has been selected to lead the African Development Bank's startup incubation project, aiming to expand global startup ecosystem exchanges centered around COMUP. 2. The project, 'Africa Tech Startup Forum 2024', is designed to select and support African startups to receive training in Korea, with the goal of spreading Korea's advanced startup culture and fostering global growth through collaboration with Korean venture capital and large enterprises. 3. Currently, 160 startups from 8 African countries have been pre-selected, and KOSPO plans to select the final 20 teams to participate in COMUP 2024, offering various benefits such as special booths, networking sessions, and visits to leading Korean unicorn companies.