06/24/2024, 01:28 AM UTC
《暗黑破坏神4》第五赛季将新增类Rogue的群魔模式Diablo 4 is adding a rogue-like horde mode in Season 5
1、《暗黑破坏神4》第五赛季引入名为Infernal Hordes的新类Rogue群魔模式。2、玩家需在每波90秒内生存,并在每波结束后在增益和减益之间做出选择。3、该模式旨在收集燃烧以太,用于在主题宝箱中兑换各种物品和材料。1. Diablo 4 Season 5 introduces a new rogue-like horde mode called Infernal Hordes. 2. Players must survive 90-second waves and choose between Boons and Banes after each wave. 3. The mode aims to collect Burning Aether to spend on themed chests, offering various items and materials.---