08/05/2024, 09:44 PM UTC
受犀牛甲虫启发的微型飞行机器人:展翅起飞Watch A Tiny Flying Robot Inspired By Rhinoceros Beetles Flap Its Wings And Take Off
1、科学家们开发了一种受犀牛甲虫启发的微型飞行机器人,其可折叠翅膀可用于狭窄空间的搜救任务。2、该机器人模仿了甲虫的被动展翅机制,使其在休息时折叠翅膀,飞行时展开。3、这一创新使得机器人能够进入倒塌的建筑物,并切换到爬行模式进行进一步探索。1. Scientists have developed a tiny flying robot inspired by rhinoceros beetles, featuring foldable wings that can be used for search and rescue missions in confined spaces. 2. The robot mimics the passive wing deployment mechanism of beetles, allowing it to fold its wings when resting and deploy them for flight. 3. This innovation could enable the robot to enter collapsed buildings and switch to crawling mode for further exploration.