12/13/2024, 11:16 PM UTC
三星The Premiere 8K投影仪荣获行业首个8K协会认证Samsung's The Premiere 8K Projector Just Pulled Off An Industry First Achievement
➀ 三星The Premiere 8K投影仪荣获全球首个8K协会(8KA)认证;➁ 该认证涵盖了分辨率、亮度、对比度、色域、HDR、8K升级和音频等方面;➂ 该投影仪具备8K无线流媒体和超短焦功能,是一款强大且功能丰富的设备。➀ Samsung's The Premiere 8K projector has received the world's first 8K Association (8KA) certification; ➁ The certification covers aspects like resolution, brightness, contrast, color gamut, HDR, 8K upscaling, and audio; ➂ The projector features 8K wireless streaming and ultra-short throw capabilities, making it a powerful and versatile device.