07/20/2024, 07:28 AM UTC
巴黎奥运会门票销售正酣:谨防诈骗邮件Paris Olympics Ticket Sales in Full Swing: Beware of Scam Emails
1、网络犯罪分子正利用钓鱼邮件针对巴黎奥运会观众。2、Proofpoint报告称,66%的巴黎奥运会官方合作伙伴缺乏足够的安全政策来防止域名欺骗。3、该公司建议,DMARC产品是预防性保护的最佳解决方案。1. Cybercriminals are targeting Paris Olympics attendees with phishing emails. 2. Proofpoint reports that 66% of official Paris Olympics partners have inadequate security policies to prevent domain spoofing. 3. The company suggests that DMARC products are the best solution for preemptive protection.