01/16/2025, 07:57 AM UTC
别错过2025年的谷歌:被低估的量子AI巨头 - 强烈买入Don't Miss Google: The Undervalued Quantum AI Powerhouse In 2025 - Strong Buy
1. 谷歌的搜索流量和广告收入持续稳定增长,没有显示出放缓或被其AI概述所取代的迹象。2. 谷歌虽然不是AI领域的先行者,但借助量子芯片Willow,有望重新获得AI创新的领导地位。3. 对反垄断案件的担忧被过度放大,Chrome被剥离的可能性很低。4. 谷歌目前被低估,其25财年的市盈率为21.5倍,而过去5年的平均市盈率为27.3倍,目标股价为259美元,意味着有35%的上涨空间。1. Google's search traffic and ad revenue continue to grow steadily, showing no signs of slowdown or cannibalization from its AI Overviews. 2. Google, not the first mover in AI, has the potential to regain its leadership in AI innovation with the help of quantum chip Willow. 3. Concerns over antitrust cases are overdone, and the likelihood of Chrome being divested is low. 4. Google is undervalued at 21.5x FY25 P/E compared to the 5Y average of 27.3x, with a price target of $259 implying a 35% upside.---