09/23/2024, 09:00 PM UTC
搭载高通骁龙X Plus的宏碁Swift 14 AI评测Acer Swift 14 AI Review w/ Qualcomm Snapdragon X Plus
➀ 宏碁Swift 14 AI搭载高通骁龙X Plus芯片,带来基于ARM的Windows 11新体验;➁ 评测讨论了该设备的表现和测试,突出了其独特功能和挑战;➂ 文章还涵盖了Swift 14 AI的规格和设计,强调了其时尚和多功能的设计风格。➀ The Acer Swift 14 AI is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon X Plus chip, offering a new experience with Windows 11 on ARM; ➁ The review discusses the performance and testing of the device, highlighting its unique features and challenges; ➂ The article also covers the specifications and design of the Swift 14 AI, emphasizing its sleek and versatile design.