12/10/2024, 02:06 PM UTC
Iceye与Space42合资将卫星制造带到阿联酋Iceye, Space42 jv to bring satellite manufacturing to UAE
➀ 冰眼(Iceye)和阿联酋的AI太空公司Space42宣布合资制造SAR(合成孔径雷达)卫星。合资企业旨在满足对SAR卫星图像日益增长的需求。这一合作建立在之前为阿联酋制造Foresight星座卫星的合作基础上。 ➁ 通过在阿联酋制造先进的SAR技术,合资企业将增强冰眼在全球的影响力和覆盖范围。 ➂ Space42强调AI的作用,并通过这次合作强调建立阿联酋工业基础的重要性。➀ Iceye and Space42, a UAE-based AI space company, have announced a joint venture to manufacture SAR satellites in the UAE. The JV aims to meet the growing demand for SAR satellite imagery. The partnership builds upon their previous collaboration for the UAE-made Foresight constellation satellites. ➁ The JV will enhance Iceye's global reach and impact by manufacturing advanced SAR technologies in the UAE. ➂ Space42 emphasizes the role of AI and the importance of building the UAE's industrial base through this partnership.