10/17/2024, 03:25 PM UTC
Forge Nano获通用汽车风险投资公司10亿美元投资,以追求未来电动汽车电池材料增强Forge Nano Receives $10M Investment from GM Ventures to Pursue GM Battery Material Enhancements for Future Electric Vehicles
➀ Forge Nano宣布获得通用汽车风险投资公司10亿美元投资,用于增强其Atomic Armor平台技术以应用于电池材料。 ➁ 公司计划扩大其电池材料涂层业务和半导体市场份额。 ➂ 通用汽车与Forge Nano签署了战略合作伙伴关系,可能利用高吞吐量Atomic Armor设备为通用汽车的电动汽车电池组涂层。➀ Forge Nano announced a $10M investment from GM Ventures to enhance its Atomic Armor platform technology for battery materials. ➁ The company plans to expand its battery material coating business and semiconductor footprint. ➂ GM and Forge Nano signed a strategic partnership to potentially utilize high-throughput Atomic Armor equipment for GM's EV battery cells.