02/06/2025, 11:37 AM UTC
无铅热敏电阻用于电池组和无人机Pb-free thermistors for battery packs and drones
➀ TDK发布了两种无铅珠状热敏电阻系列;
➁ 这些热敏电阻可以测量介于-40°C至+155°C的温度;
➂ 它们适用于汽车和工业应用,例如电池组和无人机。
➀ TDK has announced two series of Pb-free bead thermistors;
➁ These thermistors can measure temperatures between -40 °C and +155 °C;
➂ They are designed for automotive and industrial applications such as battery packs and drones.