08/09/2024, 02:27 PM UTC
黑石担保贷款:防御性重要时期的优质选择Blackstone Secured Lending: High-Quality Pick At A Time When Defense Matters
1、黑石担保贷款(BXSL)是一家高质量的商业发展公司(BDC),拥有强大的第一留置权高级担保贷款组合。2、该公司受益于多元化和稳健的收益状况,其中超过93%的收入来自利息。3、BXSL的股息覆盖率为113%,其溢价交易状态因其高质量结构和防御性特征而合理。1. Blackstone Secured Lending (BXSL) is a high-quality Business Development Company (BDC) with a strong portfolio of first lien senior secured loans. 2. The company benefits from diversification and a robust earnings profile, with over 93% of income from interest. 3. BXSL's dividend coverage is strong at 113%, and its premium trading status is justified by its high-quality structure and defensive characteristics.