09/23/2024, 06:41 PM UTC
超薄设备追踪健康指标Ultrathin Device Tracks Health Markers
➀ 韩国科学技术院的研究人员开发了一种无线设备,用于监测血糖、乳酸和pH值;➁ 该设备结合了有机和无机材料,具有高性能和稳定性;➂ 初步测试显示该设备具有高跨导和良好的机械稳定性。➀ Researchers at KIST have developed a wireless device to monitor glucose, lactate, and pH levels; ➁ The device combines organic and inorganic materials for high performance and stability; ➂ Preliminary tests show promising results with high transconductance and mechanical stability.