12/11/2024, 06:11 AM UTC
2023-2029年半导体激光器市场年复合增长率达9%,增长至50亿美元以上9% CAGR 2023-29 for semiconductor lasers
半导体激光器市场预计将从2023年到2029年以9%的复合年增长率增长,从31亿美元增长到超过50亿美元。增长动力包括激光应用的扩展、向能源效率、紧凑尺寸和精度的转变,以及与SOI(2)、SiN(3)、InP(4)和TFLN(5)等多技术平台的集成。电信和基础设施是最大的市场,而消费者市场预计将以1%的复合年增长率增长,到2029年达到17.5亿美元。由于2022-2024年期间光学传感应用的量下降,消费者市场增长较为温和,而汽车领域,尤其是中国市场,预计将实现显著扩张。The semiconductor laser market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9% from 2023 to 2029, expanding from $3.1 billion to over $5 billion. Growth is driven by the expansion of laser applications, shifts towards energy efficiency, compact size, and precision, and integration with multiple technology platforms. The telecom and infrastructure segment is the largest market, while the consumer market is expected to grow at a 1% CAGR to reach $1.75 billion in 2029. Moderate growth in the consumer segment is due to the decline in optical sensing applications, while significant expansion in the automotive segment is anticipated, especially in China.---